Clinical Rotation


I performed my clinical rotation at Jackson Memorial Hospital in Miami, FL for an eight week period. Jackson Memorial Hospital is the third largest acute care community hospital in the country, with 1,500 beds. Throughout my rotation I was able to assess and make recommendations for an array of acute conditions. Due to the large nature of the facility, I was able to gain experience in intensive care, oncology, trauma, burns, rehabilitation, transplant (heart, gastrointestinal, kidney, liver, and multivisceral), and pediatrics.

Renal Diet Education on Portioning
While rotating at Holtz Children’s Hospital, I worked in the pediatric dialysis clinic. The adolescents which are seen at the clinic expressed confusion on what foods contain potassium and practical ways to implement limiting these foods in their daily life. For this reason, I created an educational material for the pediatric dialysis patients on how to portion their potassium foods. The foods which are high and low in potassium and images of serving sizes using hands were displayed. This educational tool allows the reader to understand how to portion their potassium foods so that they can still enjoy these products in limited amounts.

Renal Diet Portioning Education for Pedi Dialysis


Case Studies
I completed case studies on two non-complex medical cases (one nutritionally relevant disease state and one culturally relevant case). I performed one case study on a pediatric cerebral palsy malnourished patient, and another on a newly diagnosed diabetic patient. For my complex case study, I chose a patient while in the neurological sciences intensive care unit, who was being treated for a traumatic brain injury. I created a presentation for the staff on my case, performed a literature review, and discussed pathophysiology and current research on medical nutrition therapy for this diagnosis.

Case Studies on Malnourished Cerebral Palsy Adolescent, Newly Diagnosed Diabetic, and Complex Traumatic Brain Injury

Case Study TBI Presentation


Literature Review on Parenteral Nutrition Support for the Infant and Parenteral Nutrition Associated Liver Disease: Prevention and Management with Fish Oil Containing Emulsions
When rotating with the pediatric team at Holtz Children’s hospital, I managed children and neonates undergoing parenteral nutrition support. Many of these patients were experiencing organ failure, on the transplant list, undergoing chemotherapy or premature births. I learned about the various lipid emulsions which are used in clinical practice. I was very interested in learning more on how the use of parenteral lipid emulsions could be used to prevent parenteral nutrition associated liver disease. For this reason I chose to perform my literature review on parenteral nutrition support for the infant and parenteral nutrition associated liver disease: prevention and management with fish oil containing emulsions.

Literature Review on Parenteral Nutrition Support for the Infant and Parenteral Nutrition Associated Liver Disease and Fish Oil Containing Lipid Emulsions

Jackson Memorial Hospital
March - April 2019